Jacinto 7 TIDL Release Notes

Version: 09.00.00, Date: Aug 04, 2023


  1. Introduction
  2. Licensing
  3. What's New
  4. Documentation
  5. Upgrade and Compatibility Information
  6. Device Support
  7. Validation Information
  8. Fixed Issues
  9. Known Issues
  10. Change Request
  11. Technical Support
  12. Package Versioning


This package contains Texas Instrument's Deep learning solution for J721E SoCs from the Jacinto 7 family


The licensing information of this product, as well as any third-party components included which are made available under a number of other open-source licenses are enumerated as part of the manifest. Note : Below Links would work only after installing the package


1 User's Guide [HTML]
2 Software Manifest [HTML]

What's New

Here are a few of the new features supported in this release:

  1. Support for optimized ScatterNd and GatherNd operators
  2. Support for Transpose operator
  3. Support for DL Preprocessing

Upgrade and Compatibility Information


Device Support

Target SoC Target Plaform Build environment (OS) Target environment (OS)
J721E EVM x86_64 Linux PC x86_64 (Linux) NA

Validation Information

This release was built and validated using the following tools:

Dependencies (included in Processor SDK RTOS):

Dependencies (NOT included in Processor SDK RTOS):

Refer to the User Guide for instructions to install and setup above dependencies.

Fixed Issues

ID Description Module Affected Versions Affected Platforms
TIDL-2568 Maxpooling with asymmetric padding gives incorrect results OSRT 08.06.00 J721E
TIDL-2941 TFLite Reshape OP not functional when number of input channel is not equal to number of output channels OSRT 08.06.00 J721E

Known Issues

ID Description Module Reported in Release Affected Platforms Occurrence Workaround in this release
TIDL-1530 Processing on EVM gets stuck in case of "GEMM" layer in onnx model OSRT 02.00.00 J721E Rare set reservedCtrl=1 in the TIDL_CreateParams structure
TIDL-1872 Import failure for deeplabv3 (mobilenetv2 backbone) based OD+SEG Model COMPUTE 08.01.00 J721E Rare
TIDL-2593 OSRT : Softmax layer with non-flattened input gets delegated to C7X-MMA instead of ARM OSRT 08.02.00 J721E Rare Introduce a flatten layer before softmax or set softmax layer in deny_list runtime option
TIDL-2878 OSRT : Optimized OD post processing results in crash in case all convolution heads are not part of same subgraph OSRT 08.04.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-2822 TFLite Runtime : Pre quantized object detection model has accuracy issue OSRT 08.04.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-2821 16-bit convolution with pad = 0 results in hang OSRT 08.04.00 J721E Rare NA
TIDL-3416 Performance degradation observed in 9.0 release compared to 8.6 release due to certain operators TIDL 09.00.00 COMPUTE Rare NA
TIDL-3417 Functional issues observed in 9.0 release compared to 8.6 release in certain scenarios COMPUTE 09.00.00 J721E Rare NA

For latest status of the issues and any new issues found post this release, please refer TI External software Incident Report. Issues on this product can be filtered with search query as project = EXT_EP AND issuetype in (Bug, Enhancement) AND Product ~ "TI Deep Learning Library"

Change Request

ID Description Original Fix Version New Fix Version
JACINTOREQ-6636 TIDL: Descope of 9.0 Requirements related to scatter max operator support, improving allowlisting and performance improvements 09.00.00 09.01.00

Technical Support

For technical support, please post your questions on TI E2E Forum for Processors.

For additional assistance, contact local TI Field Application Engineer

Package Versioning

Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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