DSPLIB Release Notes

August 27, 2014

DSPLIB Release Notes


  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Documentation
  4. What's New
  5. Fixed Bugs
  6. Upgrade and Compatibility Information
  7. Device Support
  8. Validation Information
  9. Known Issues
  10. Technical Support


The TI C6000 DSPLIB is an optimized DSP Function Library for C programmers. It includes many C-callable, optimized, general-purpose signal-processing routines. These routines are typically used in computationally-intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed is critical.

Getting Started

The DSPLIB User's Manual provides the documentation and references necessary to integrate DSPLIB Library routines into a development platform.


The following documentation is available:

User's Manual [HTML]
Test Report [HTML]
Software Manifest [HTML]
Release Notes Archive [LINK]


This release of DSPLIB depends on the following libraries:


What's New

The following new kernels were added:

  1. SP/DP Cholesky Complex Matrix Decomposition.
  2. SP/DP LU Matrix Decomposition.
  3. SP/DP LU Complex Matrix Decomposition.
  4. SP/DP LUD Linear Solver.
  5. SP/DP LUD Complex Linear Solver.
  6. SP/DP LUD Matrix Inversion.
  7. SP/DP LUD Complex Matrix Inversion.
  8. SP/DP QR Matrix Decomposition.
  9. SP/DP QR Complex Matrix Decomposition.
  10. SP/DP SV Matrix Decomposition.
  11. SP/DP SV Complex Matrix Decomposition.

Fixed Bugs

The following bugs were fixed:

  1. Compilation error in building the FFT_Example_674_LE_COFF project.
  2. Incorrect output from DSPF_sp_fir_cplx.
  3. DSPLIB C66 regression tests failed for DSPF_sp_iirlat and DSP_ifft16x32.
  4. DSPLIB C674 regression tests failed for DSPF_sp_fir_cplx and DSPF_sp_iirlat.

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This version of DSPLIB is compatible with the last released version:


  1. Package compatibility keys are independent of component release versions. For more information visit: Package Versioning and Compatibility

Device Support

This release supports the following device families:

Validation Information

This release was built and validated using the following tools:

Known Issues

Technical Support

Questions regarding the DSPLIB library should be directed to the Texas Instruments TI-RTOS E2E Forum. Please include the text "DSPLIB" in the title and add "C66x" and "DSPLIB" tags to your post.

Package Versioning and Compatibility

Compatibility Keys

Compatibility keys serve two primary purposes:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Each compatibility key is composed of 4 comma-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, S, R and P [M,S,R,P]. The table below provides a descriptive reference for compatibility key intention.

Compatibility Key Reference
Key Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Break in compatibility The package consumer is required to re-write the calling source code to use the package
2 (S=Source) Source compatibility The package consumer’s source code doesn't require change, but does require a recompile
3 (R=Radix) Introduction of new features Compatibility with previous interfaces is not broken. If libraries are provided by the package, an application must re-link with the new libraries, but is not required to recompile its source
4 (P=Patch) Bug fixes only If libraries are provided by the package, an application must re-link with the new libraries, but is not required to recompile its source.


Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Package Version Reference
Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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