121 #include "Std_Types.h" 140 #define ADC_SW_MAJOR_VERSION (9U) 142 #define ADC_SW_MINOR_VERSION (0U) 144 #define ADC_SW_PATCH_VERSION (0U) 155 #define ADC_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION (4U) 157 #define ADC_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION (3U) 159 #define ADC_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION (1U) 167 #define ADC_VENDOR_ID ((uint16) 44U) 169 #define ADC_MODULE_ID ((uint16) 123U) 171 #define ADC_INSTANCE_ID ((uint8) 0U) 177 #define ADC_DEF_CHANNEL_RESOLUTION ((uint8) 12U) 189 #define ADC_NUM_CHANNEL (10U) 191 #define ADC_MIN_CHANNEL_ID (0U) 193 #define ADC_MAX_CHANNEL_ID (ADC_NUM_CHANNEL - 1U) 200 #define ADC_NUM_HW_CHANNEL (10U) 202 #define ADC_MIN_HW_CHANNEL_ID (0U) 204 #define ADC_MAX_HW_CHANNEL_ID (ADC_NUM_HW_CHANNEL - 1U) 207 #define ADC_MIN_OPEN_DELAY (0x00U) 209 #define ADC_MAX_OPEN_DELAY (0x3FFFFU) 211 #define ADC_MIN_SAMPLE_DELAY (0x00U) 213 #define ADC_MAX_SAMPLE_DELAY (0xFFU) 215 #define ADC_MIN_RANGE (0x00U) 217 #define ADC_MAX_RANGE (0xFFFU) 230 #define ADC_E_UNINIT ((uint8) 0x0AU) 234 #define ADC_E_BUSY ((uint8) 0x0BU) 238 #define ADC_E_IDLE ((uint8) 0x0CU) 240 #ifndef ADC_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 245 #define ADC_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED ((uint8) 0x0DU) 247 #ifndef ADC_E_PARAM_CONFIG 249 #define ADC_E_PARAM_CONFIG ((uint8) 0x0EU) 251 #ifndef ADC_E_PARAM_POINTER 253 #define ADC_E_PARAM_POINTER ((uint8) 0x14U) 255 #ifndef ADC_E_PARAM_GROUP 257 #define ADC_E_PARAM_GROUP ((uint8) 0x15U) 259 #ifndef ADC_E_WRONG_CONV_MODE 264 #define ADC_E_WRONG_CONV_MODE ((uint8) 0x16U) 266 #ifndef ADC_E_WRONG_TRIGG_SRC 268 #define ADC_E_WRONG_TRIGG_SRC ((uint8) 0x17U) 270 #ifndef ADC_E_NOTIF_CAPABILITY 275 #define ADC_E_NOTIF_CAPABILITY ((uint8) 0x18U) 277 #ifndef ADC_E_BUFFER_UNINIT 279 #define ADC_E_BUFFER_UNINIT ((uint8) 0x19U) 281 #ifndef ADC_E_NOT_DISENGAGED 283 #define ADC_E_NOT_DISENGAGED ((uint8) 0x1AU) 285 #ifndef ADC_E_POWER_STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED 287 #define ADC_E_POWER_STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED ((uint8) 0x1BU) 289 #ifndef ADC_E_TRANSITION_NOT_POSSIBLE 291 #define ADC_E_TRANSITION_NOT_POSSIBLE ((uint8) 0x1CU) 293 #ifndef ADC_E_PERIPHERAL_NOT_PREPARED 295 #define ADC_E_PERIPHERAL_NOT_PREPARED ((uint8) 0x1DU) 386 #if (STD_ON == ADC_INTERNAL_DIAGNOSTIC_DEBUG_MODE_API) 402 #define ADC_SID_INIT ((uint8) 0x00U) 404 #define ADC_SID_DEINIT ((uint8) 0x01U) 406 #define ADC_SID_START_GROUP_CONVERSION ((uint8) 0x02U) 408 #define ADC_SID_STOP_GROUP_CONVERSION ((uint8) 0x03U) 410 #define ADC_SID_READ_GROUP ((uint8) 0x04U) 412 #define ADC_SID_ENABLE_HARDWARE_TRIGGER ((uint8) 0x05U) 414 #define ADC_SID_DISABLE_HARDWARE_TRIGGER ((uint8) 0x06U) 416 #define ADC_SID_ENABLE_GROUP_NOTIFICATION ((uint8) 0x07U) 418 #define ADC_SID_DISABLE_GROUP_NOTIFICATION ((uint8) 0x08U) 420 #define ADC_SID_GET_GROUP_STATUS ((uint8) 0x09U) 422 #define ADC_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO ((uint8) 0x0AU) 424 #define ADC_SID_GET_STREAM_LAST_POINTER ((uint8) 0x0BU) 426 #define ADC_SID_SETUP_RESULT_BUFFER ((uint8) 0x0CU) 428 #define ADC_SID_SET_POWER_STATE ((uint8) 0x10U) 430 #define ADC_SID_GET_CURRENT_POWER_STATE ((uint8) 0x11U) 432 #define ADC_SID_GET_TARGET_POWER_STATE ((uint8) 0x12U) 434 #define ADC_SID_PREPARE_POWER_STATE ((uint8) 0x13U) 436 #define ADC_SID_MAIN_POWER_TRANSITION_MANAGER ((uint8) 0x14U) 438 #define ADC_SID_IOHWAB_NOTIFICATION ((uint8) 0x20U) 440 #define ADC_SID_IOHWAB_NOTIFY_READY_FOR_POWER_STATE ((uint8) 0x70U) 825 typedef struct Adc_ConfigType_s
void Adc_StartGroupConversion(Adc_GroupType Group)
Starts the conversion of all channels of the requested ADC Channel group.
Number of MCAL channels - in terms of ADC HW, this represents the number of hardware steps....
Definition: Adc.h:189
Type for configuring the streaming access mode buffer type.
Definition: Adc.h:515
Maximum group across all hwunit.
Definition: Adc_Cfg.h:166
Adc_HWUnitType hwUnitId
Definition: Adc.h:814
uint32 adcCtrl
Definition: Adc.h:851
Std_ReturnType Adc_EnableInternalDiagnostic(Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_RefSelType RefSelect)
This function enables the Functional Internal Diagnostic Debug mode and selects a known voltage sourc...
Structure containing parameters for ADC MCAL channel configuration. In term of ADC hardware,...
Definition: Adc.h:701
ADC config structure.
Definition: Adc.h:825
void Adc_Init(const Adc_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
Service for ADC initialization.
Enum to number of samplings to average. ADC allows user to program the number of samplings to average...
Definition: Adc.h:681
Adc_StreamBufferModeType streamBufMode
Definition: Adc.h:768
uint32 highRange
Definition: Adc.h:781
uint32 baseAddr
Definition: Adc.h:816
Replacement mechanism, which is used on ADC group level, if a group conversion is interrupted by a gr...
Definition: Adc.h:582
This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for ADC MCAL driver.
uint8 Adc_ChannelType
Numeric ID of an ADC channel.
Definition: Adc.h:303
ADC Hardware unit configuration structure.
Definition: Adc.h:812
Adc_ResolutionType resolution
Definition: Adc.h:757
Std_ReturnType Adc_ReadGroup(Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_ValueGroupType *DataBufferPtr)
Reads the group conversion result of the last completed conversion round of the requested group and s...
Current status of the conversion of the requested ADC Channel group.
Definition: Adc.h:461
Type for configuring the access mode to group conversion results.
Definition: Adc.h:532
Adc_GroupEndNotifyType Adc_GroupEndNotification
Definition: Adc.h:752
Adc_AveragingMode averagingMode
Definition: Adc.h:732
Adc_StatusType Adc_GetGroupStatus(Adc_GroupType Group)
Returns the conversion status of the requested ADC Channel group.
Power state currently active or set as target power state.
Definition: Adc.h:645
Maximum HW unit - This should match the sum for the below units ISR which are ON.
Definition: Adc_Cfg.h:173
Adc_GroupPriorityType groupPriority
Definition: Adc.h:748
Adc_HwTriggerTimerType hwTrigTimer
Definition: Adc.h:773
Adc_GroupReplacementType groupReplacement
Definition: Adc.h:777
uint32 hwChannelId
Definition: Adc.h:703
void Adc_StopGroupConversion(Adc_GroupType Group)
Stops the conversion of the requested ADC Channel group.
void Adc_DisableGroupNotification(Adc_GroupType Group)
Disables the notification mechanism for the requested ADC Channel group.
uint32 adcMisc
Definition: Adc.h:853
uint32 rangeCheckEnable
Definition: Adc.h:725
ADC Group configuration structure.
Definition: Adc.h:743
uint32 openDelay
Definition: Adc.h:717
uint32 adcRev
Definition: Adc.h:849
uint8 Adc_HWUnitType
Specifies the identification (ID) for a ADC Hardware microcontroller peripheral (unit)
Definition: Adc.h:384
void(* Adc_GroupEndNotifyType)(void)
Typedef for group end notification function pointer.
Definition: Adc.h:453
void Adc_DeInit(void)
This service sets all ADC HW Units to a state comparable to their power on reset state.
Adc_HwTriggerSignalType hwTrigSignal
Definition: Adc.h:770
uint32 sampleDelay
Definition: Adc.h:721
In case of active limit checking: defines which conversion values are taken into account related to t...
Definition: Adc.h:605
Std_ReturnType Adc_DisableInternalDiagnostic(Adc_GroupType Group)
This function disables the Functional Internal Diagnostic Debug mode.
ADC register readback structure.
Definition: Adc.h:844
uint8 maxGroup
Definition: Adc.h:827
Adc_StreamNumSampleType streamNumSamples
Definition: Adc.h:755
Adc_StreamNumSampleType Adc_GetStreamLastPointer(Adc_GroupType Group, Adc_ValueGroupType **PtrToSamplePtr)
Returns the number of valid samples per channel, stored in the result buffer.
uint16 Adc_SamplingTimeType
Type of sampling time, i.e. the time during which the value is sampled (in clockcycles).
Definition: Adc.h:345
Type for alignment of ADC raw results in ADC result buffer (left/right alignment).
Definition: Adc.h:630
uint8 maxHwUnit
Definition: Adc.h:830
uint32 Adc_ValueGroupType
Type for reading the converted values of a channel group (raw, without further scaling,...
Definition: Adc.h:321
Result of the requests related to power state transitions.
Definition: Adc.h:659
void Adc_GetVersionInfo(Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
This service returns the version information of this module.
Type for configuring the trigger source for an ADC Channel group.
Definition: Adc.h:484
uint8 Adc_GroupType
Numeric ID of an ADC channel group.
Definition: Adc.h:309
Adc_GroupType groupId
Definition: Adc.h:745
uint8 Adc_RefSelType
Specifies the Reference select for functional internal diagnostic debug mode.
Definition: Adc.h:391
Adc_GroupAccessModeType accessMode
Definition: Adc.h:766
Adc_TriggerSourceType triggSrc
Definition: Adc.h:763
Adc_GroupConvModeType convMode
Definition: Adc.h:761
uint8 Adc_ResolutionType
Type of channel resolution in number of bits.
Definition: Adc.h:351
Type for configuring the conversion mode of an ADC Channel group.
Definition: Adc.h:499
Std_ReturnType Adc_SetupResultBuffer(Adc_GroupType Group, const Adc_ValueGroupType *DataBufferPtr)
This service initializes ADC driver with the group specific result buffer start address where the con...
uint32 lowRange
Definition: Adc.h:791
uint8 Adc_HwTriggerTimerType
Type for the value of the ADC module embedded timer.
Definition: Adc.h:378
uint32 numChannels
Definition: Adc.h:802
Type for configuring the prioritization mechanism.
Definition: Adc.h:565
uint32 Adc_PrescaleType
Type of clock prescaler factor.
Definition: Adc.h:327
uint32 Adc_GroupDefType
Type of assignment of channels to a channel group.
Definition: Adc.h:363
void Adc_EnableGroupNotification(Adc_GroupType Group)
Enables the notification mechanism for the requested ADC Channel group.
Adc_HWUnitType hwUnitId
Definition: Adc.h:750
uint8 Adc_GroupPriorityType
Priority level of the channel. Lowest priority is 0.
Definition: Adc.h:357
uint16 Adc_StreamNumSampleType
Type for configuring the number of group conversions in streaming access mode (in single access mode,...
Definition: Adc.h:372
uint16 Adc_ConversionTimeType
Type of conversion time, i.e. the time during which the sampled analogue value is converted into digi...
Definition: Adc.h:336
Type for configuring on which edge of the hardware trigger signal the driver should react,...
Definition: Adc.h:549
Std_ReturnType Adc_RegisterReadback(Adc_HWUnitType HWUnit, Adc_RegisterReadbackType *RegRbPtr)
This function reads the important registers of the hardware unit and returns the value in the structu...