Product Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is the release notes for MCUSW_J7_09.00.00 release, produced on 2023-07-21.

The MCUSW package consists of MCAL Driver & Demos/Applications for J721E/J7200/J721S2/J784S4 family of devices . The MCAL modules are compliant to AUTOSAR specification versioned 4.3.1 .


Refer to Processor SDK Automotive manifest at top level and MCUSW Manifest for MCUSW Manifest.

Getting Started

The MCUSW User Guide provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI’s platforms using MCUSW.


  1. MCUSW User Guide:
  2. This document details Supported driver, Installation, Dependencies, Build instructions, Steps to run example applications, Module Specific User Guides, API Guide, Test Reports, Design Document and others.

    MCUSW User Guide Top

  3. MCUSW Configurator User Guide:
  4. Refer this before attempting to reconfigure MCAL modules. This include steps to Install Configurator (EB), Configurator Licensing, Generation of MCAL Configurations and others.

    MCUSW Configurator User Guide


NOT Included in MCUSW Package:

MCUSW MCAL Configurator lists the steps required to get access to Configurator.

Configurator package name is MCUSW_09_00_00_10_CONFIG-windows-installer.exe, and contains following items:

  1. EB Installer (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/installer)
  2. EB License Administrator (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/installer)
  3. EB Documentation (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs)
  4. MCAL Configurator Plugins (${EB_INSTALL_DIR}/mcal_drv/mcal_config)
  5. MCAL Compliance Support Package with Safety Collateral

What’s New

New features supported in this release:

  1. Supported SoCs: J721E & J721S2 & J7200 & J784S4
  2. The MCUSW Release Version is updated to follow SDK Version number scheme.
  3. AUTOSAR Specification Version: 4.3.1
  4. Updated Compiler Version: ti-cgt-armllvm_2.1.3.LTS
  5. Updated Compliance Support Package with Safety Collateral
  6. CDD IPC Reference Example hosted on MCU1_0 for J721e and J7200
  7. Several Fixes Defects.


  1. Compiler Version Update: ti-cgt-armllvm_2.1.3.LTS

Device Support

SoC HOST (OS) Target (OS) Test Platform
J721E Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or FreeRTOS J721E EVM
J7200 Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or FreeRTOS J7200 EVM
J721S2 Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or FreeRTOS J721S2 EVM
J784S4 Windows / Linux, EB configurator only on Windows NO OS or FreeRTOS J784S4 EVM


This release was built and validated using the following tools.

Build Tools (included in Processor SDK)

  1. ti-cgt-armllvm_2.1.3.LTS
  2. Free RTOS:
  3. GCC: 9.2-2019.12

Fixed Defects

ID Summary
MCAL-10791 ICU: Incorrect condition for ReadbackRegistor logic
MCAL-10775 Re-definition error for MCU_MCSPI0_ISR API's when multiple external devices connected to a single SPI Hw unit Instance
MCAL-10751 Redefinition Error of Can_0_Int0ISR,Can_1_Int0ISR etc … and Can_MsgmemRAMBaseAddr in Can_cfg.c and Can_PBcfg.c for Post Build Variant
MCAL-10744 Inside Can_IntISR_Function API, SchM_Enter_Can_CAN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA_0 is called twice which is affecting interrupt handling behviour
MCAL-10646 MCU: McuModeSettingConf should be integer but defined as MCU_MODE_NOMIAL
MCAL-10642 Dio_Lcfg.c always generated with content, also in Variant precompile
MCAL-10635 CDD IPC communication with A72 for MCU1_0 needs to be added
MCAL-9799 Mcu_DistributePllClock API return type has to be Std_ReturnType but it is void
MCAL-9613 CDD IPC communication with A72 for AEP/AHP
MCAL-9561 CAN: Profiling Application hungs for mcu2_1 core
MCAL-9503 Redeclaration of types in Mcu.h and Mcu_Cfg.h
MCAL-9501 Gpt_GetPredefTimerValue API implementation required to meet AUTOSAR compliance
MCAL-9302 DIO Memmap File Memory sections need Correcton
MCAL-9183 PWM and ICU need to follow Template Specification for AUTOSAR ECU
MCAL-9144 SPI Driver Loopback Disable API not present
MCAL-8752 MCAL CAN example PADCONFIG register offset mismatch
MCAL-8620 Flash devices require dummy cycles for auto-polling
MCAL-8198 BUILD_MPU flag removed from codebase

Open Defects

ID Summary
MCAL-12923 Type casting issue in CDD IPC
MCAL-12893 MCAL CSL_armR5CacheWb API not updated based on PDK-12218
MCAL-12669 Fls_app_dac example gives DET errors for J784S4
MCAL-12659 Fls_app (Interrupt mode) gives DET error.
MCAL-12658 EPWM Example: Waveforms not generating required voltage
MCAL-12657 ICU Example: Proper PIN information is not known (residual from PWM/EPWM Applications)
MCAL-11611 Icu Module Mandatory API defnition is Missing
MCAL-11548 ICU Driver: Wrong implementation of ICU ISR in plugin for CAT2
MCAL-9620 Spi_AsyncTransmit can not transmit more than 32 bytes
MCAL-9463 FLASH: Write/Read operation skips DATA bytes in interrupt mode
MCAL-8751 Mailbox index always passed as 0 in case of TX interrupt processing for FIFO
MCAL-8518 SPI_setupEB cannot support DMA transfers greater than 32-bits
MCAL-8514 Spi_AsyncTransmit taking longer than expected
MCAL-8350 FLS Driver instability with read-lengths not multiples of 256 bytes
MCAL-5205 can_profile_app not giving CAN TX signal output on J721E HS device

Known Limitations

ID Description Workaround Comments
MCAL-5208 Ethernet firmware failed to load after BIST enabled is enabled in BootApp. None When BIST is enabled in the Boot Application, ethernet firmware loading on mcu2_0 hangs. Ethernet firmware tries to setup 250MHz clock for RGMII in below API in the file enet_apputils_k3.c file and this API seems hanging.
EXTSYNC-4001 SPI Driver cannot communicate with External SPI Device. External loopback can be established with proper pinmux configuration. The SPI driver is currently tested using only internal loopback enabled, and the examples are geared toward this as well.
EXTSYNC-4002 FLASH: Write/Read operation skips DATA bytes in interrupt mode. None. The Write/Read operations skips 512 bytes data in interrupt mode.
None CDD IPC Linux communication is not validated for other SOCs. User can use proper configuration in CDD IPC to establish Linux communication. CDD IPC driver does support IPC Linux communication.
EXTSYNC-2992 CDD IPC: Wrong Endpoint Selected. Logic needs to be changed to optimize the solution/workaround implemented so that there is minimal CPU load when there are several channels configured for communication. There is no functionality break. Logic needs to be optimized to minmize the CPU load when several IPC channels are configured. None.


For technical support and additional assistance, visit E2E or contact local TI Field Application Engineer.


Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.

Digit Meaning Description
1 (M=Major) Major revision Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module’s algorithm significantly altered.
2 (m=minor) Minor revision Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set.
3 (p=patch) Patch number Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code.
4 (b=build) Build number Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p

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