TIOVX User Guide
1: Enum APIs

Detailed Description

Classes corresponding to OpenVX equvalent = vx_enum_e.

Data Structures

class  tiovx.enums.Type
 Object/Data type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_type_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.DfImage
 Image data format (OpenVX equivalent = vx_df_image_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Channel
 Image channel (OpenVX equivalent = vx_channel_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Target
 Target on which to execute a node (TIOVX equivalent = TIVX_TARGET_xxxx) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Policy
 Conversion Policy (OpenVX equivalent = vx_convert_policy_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Round
 Round Policy (OpenVX equivalent = vx_round_policy_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.NonLinearFilter
 Non linear filter type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_non_linear_filter_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Pattern
 Matrix Patterns (OpenVX equivalent = vx_pattern_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.InterpolationType
 Interpolation type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_interpolation_type_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Bool
 Boolean type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_bool) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Norm
 Normalization type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_norm_type_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.Direction
 Parameter direction (OpenVX equivalent = vx_direction_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.ParamState
 Parameter state (OpenVX equivalent = vx_parameter_state_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.PyramidScale
 Pyramid Scale (OpenVX equivalent = VX_SCALE_PYRAMID_xxx) More...
class  tiovx.enums.ThresholdType
 Threshold Type (OpenVX equivalent = vx_threshold_type_e) More...
class  tiovx.enums.TermCriteria
 Termination Criteria (OpenVX equivalent = vx_termination_criteria_e) More...