66 #ifndef TIVX_LOG_RT_H_ 67 #define TIVX_LOG_RT_H_ vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxLogRtTraceExportToFile(char *filename)
Saved current log events to file and clear the event log memory.
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxLogRtTraceEnable(vx_graph graph)
Enable run-time logging of graph trace.
struct _vx_graph * vx_graph
vx_status(* VX_API_CALL)(vx_reference *ref)
Callback type used to register release callbacks from object dervied from references.
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxLogRtTraceDisable(vx_graph graph)
Disable run-time logging of graph trace.