Vision Apps User Guide
C7x Kernel Application


This application shows how to write and run a C7x target kernel and integrate with OpenVX. The demo application adds two 8b grayscale image and write the output to another 8b grayscale image.

Supported plaforms

Platform Linux x86_64 Linux+RTOS mode QNX+RTOS mode SoC
Support YES YES YES J721e / J721S2 / J784S4

Data flow

Data Flow

Steps to run the application on J7 EVM (Linux + RTOS mode)

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for Linux+RTOS mode
  2. A sample "app_c7x.cfg" for C7x Kernel Application is provided under "/opt/vision_apps/" on the rootfs partition. Update paths and other fields if necessary.
  3. Run the app as shown below
    cd /opt/vision_apps
    source ./
  4. Output will be generated as "output_file" specified in app_c7x.cfg file
  5. View the output image in any image viewer

Steps to run the application on J7 EVM (QNX + RTOS mode)

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for QNX+RTOS mode
  2. A sample "app_c7x.cfg" for C7x Kernel Application is provided under "/ti_fs/vision_apps/" on the boot partition. Update paths and other fields if necessary.
  3. Run the app as shown below
    cd /ti_fs/vision_apps
    . ./
  4. Output will be generated as "output_file" specified in app_c7x.cfg file
  5. View the output image in any image viewer

Steps to run the application on PC Linux x86_64

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for PC emulation mode
  2. A sample "app.cfg" for C7x Kernel Application is provided under "${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_c7x_kernel/config" folder.Update paths and other fields if necessary.
  3. Run the app as shown below
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/out/PC/x86_64/LINUX/$PROFILE/
    ./vx_app_c7x_kernel --cfg ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_c7x_kernel/config/app.cfg
  4. Output will be generated as "output_file" specified in app.cfg file
  5. View the output image in any image viewer

Sample Output

Shown below is a example input and its corresponding output

Input 1
Input 2
Output = Input 1 + Input 2