Vision Apps User Guide
Single Camera VPAC Application


This application demonstrates the use of VISS node and TI's 2A (AE & AWB) algorithm. It captures RAW images from the image sensor, processes it in VPAC and displays using Display Sub-System. It also processes H3A data for AE and AWB algorithms.

Supported plaforms

Platform Linux x86_64 Linux+RTOS mode QNX+RTOS mode SoC
Support YES YES YES J721e / J721S2 / J784S4

Supported image sensors

Sensor Data Format Resolution Frame Rate(s)
IMX390 Bayer RAW12 HDR 1936x1096 30, 60
AR0233 Bayer RAW12 HDR 1920x1280 30
AR0820 RCCB RAW12 HDR 3840x2160 27
UB9xx Test Pattern Bayer RAW12 3840x2160 39
UB9xx Test Pattern YUV422 (UYVY) 640x480 29
GW5_AR0233 YUV422 (UYVY) 1920x1080 30

Data flow (RAW12 input)


Steps to run the application on J7 EVM (Linux + RTOS mode)

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for Linux+RTOS mode.
  2. Connect camera board on any port of Fusion1 board. Application will prompt the user for port selection.
  3. Use the is_interactive flag to run the demo in an interactive mode which allows the user to select sensor, processing options and print performance characteristics on the UART console.
  4. Run the app as shown below
    cd /opt/vision_apps
    source ./
  5. The output is displayed through DSS on HDMI or eDP display - Display interface selection through compile time srtting in the file platform/j721e/rtos/common/app_cfg_mcu2_0.h.

Steps to run the application on J7 EVM (QNX + RTOS mode)

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for QNX+RTOS mode.
  2. Connect camera board on any port of Fusion1 board. Application will prompt the user for port selection.
  3. Use the is_interactive flag to run the demo in an interactive mode which allows the user to select sensor, processing options and print performance characteristics on the UART console.
  4. Run the app as shown below
    cd /ti_fs/vision_apps
    . ./
  5. The output is displayed through DSS on HDMI or eDP display - Display interface selection through compile time setting in the file platform/j721e/rtos/common/app_cfg_mcu2_0.h.

Steps to run the application on Linux PC (PC Emulation mode)

  1. Build the application and related libraries as mentioned in Build Instructions for PC emulation mode.
  2. Create a folder with the following subdirectories.
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/
    mkdir -p test_root/input/ test_root/dcc_bins/

    -# Copy raw images to input folder.
    cp ${VX_TEST_DATA_PATH}/psdkra/app_single_cam/IMX390_001/input1.raw ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/input/img_0000.raw
    cp ${VX_TEST_DATA_PATH}/psdkra/app_single_cam/IMX390_001/input2.raw ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/input/img_0001.raw
  3. Copy dcc binaries (if any) to dcc_bins folder.
    cp -r ${VX_TEST_DATA_PATH}/psdkra/app_single_cam/IMX390_001/*.bin ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/dcc_bins/
  4. Create a cfg file specifying raw properties and usecase preferences. One example is included in PSDK at

    Make sure test_folder_root is pointing to the correct path in the cfg file
    test_folder_root ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root
  5. Execute single camera PC app with cfg file as the argument. For e.g.
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}/vision_apps/
    ./out/PC/x86_64/LINUX/release/vx_app_single_cam --cfg apps/basic_demos/app_single_cam/x86_test_data/test_root/x86_app_IMX390.cfg

  6. The output folders will be created and output images will be saved in the corresponding folders.
  7. Known Issue : LDC node does not support DCC in PC Emulation mode. ldc_enable must be set to 0 in cfg file.