MCAL Configurator User Guide


The TI MCAL uses Elektrobit Tresos for configuration of MCAL modules.

  • MCAL module’s ECU parameter definition is captured in Elektrobit xdm format
  • MCAL modules are delivered in the form of EBtresos plugins.
  • The configuration of the MCAL modules can be done using the Elektrobit Tresos Configuration Editor
  • Once the configuration is complete, code can be generated for supported variants of the drivers.

Software Dependencies

All required configurator installer are packaged with the MCUSW configurator package.

Document Description
EB_24_Installer_CommandDownload2018-03-27.7z EB Tresos Installer, please note that _24 specifies the version, which could be upgraded.
EB_24_ClientLicenseAdmin_CommandDownload2018-05-30.7z EB Tresos License Administrator. A valid Activation Key would be required, please see Requesting Activation Key .

These installers are present at (MCUSW Configuration Install Directory>/mcal_config/Elektrobit/installer)

Reference Modules

Texas Instruments provides MCAL modules for select peripheral of Automotive SoCs. Plugins are provided SOC specific, user has to select SOC specific plugins onto their project.

Other BSW or modules such Dem, EcuM, Os, etc... are included per SOC for validation of inter-module dependencies in the configurator. It's expected that these modules are replaced by modules provided by AUTOSAR vendor.

Directory Structure

Refer User Guide for Directory Structure for top level directory structure, below diagram details mcal_config folder

MCAL Configurator Directory Structure

A Typical Driver or Module Directory

A typical module would contain following files

  1. Module Definition
    • Module.xdm : Module description
    • Module.epd :
    • Module_NonEB.xdm : EB/XDM provides advanced operations for parameter checking, which might not be supported by all configurators. These files excludes these parameter checks. One could use associated *_NonEB.xdm as module descriptor. Also refer (Generation of ARXML)
  2. Module Recommended values
    • Module_Rec.xdm : Provides modules recommended values for TI EVM / MCAL example applications
  3. Code Generation Templates
    • Module_Cfg.h : Provides template to generate header file
    • Module_Cfg.c : Provides template to generate Compile Time module configurations.
    • Module_Lcfg.c : Provides template to generate Link Time module configurations
    • Module_PBcfg.c : Provides template to generate Post Build module configurations
  4. Module Details Module_Bswmd.arxml : Modules details such stack usage, files, exclusive area, etc...
  5. MANIFEST.MF : Licensing information of the module (required by EB)
  6. plugin.xml : Describes the module that would be used by EB tresos Studio GUI
A Typical Module Contents

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Reference EB Documentation

Document Description Link
2.1_Studio_documentation_users_guide.pdf EB tresos user guide. This document can be used to understand how to use EB tresos for configuration and code generation. mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs/2.1_Studio_documentation_users_guide.pdf
LicensingUsersGuide.pdf Details activation of EB license and use of EB Client License Administrator tool mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs/LicensingUsersGuide.pdf
fnp_LicAdmin.pdf Document from Flexnet explaining usage of Flexnet licensing tools mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb/mcal_drv/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs/fnp_LicAdmin.pdf

Please refer (MCUSW Configurator Install Directory/mcal_config/Elektrobit/docs)

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Installing Configurator package

To install MCAL Configurator package on your PC, Install ‘MCUSW_XX_YY_ZZ_BB_CONFIG-windows-installer.exe’ as admin by Right clicking on that installer and selecting ‘Run as administrator’. The installer allows you to choose the installation directory. The MCAL includes several sub-components and all the components will be installed in the same location (e.g., " C:/ti/MCUSW_XX_YY_ZZ_BB_CONFIG").

On successful installation, folder structure detailed in Directory Structure will be created. Back To Top

Installing Elektrobit Tresos

  1. Requires an activation key for machine where EB would be installed. (Software Dependencies)

Requesting Activation Key

Please refer to the readme found in the configuration install package for instructions.

Client License Administrator

  • EB_24_ClientLicenseAdmin_CommandDownload2018-05-30.7z
    • Contains an self installing exe
    • Ensure to install as an administrator
    • On successful installation you should see icon “EB Client License Administrator X.Y.Z” on your desktop.
  • Un Zip the archive
  • Launch EB Client License Administrator
  • Enter the activation key provided to you by TI FAE. In 1, of below image (Software Dependencies)
  • Click “Activate” button
  • Check the status of the license activation sequence. If successful your license is ready to use.
  • For details refer Elektrobit/docs/LicensingUsersGuide.pdf Chapter 5 (Reference EB Documentation)
Activation Window

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  • EB_24_Installer_CommandDownload2018-03-27.7z
    • Contains an self installing exe
    • Ensure to install as an administrator
    • On successful installation, an icon "tresos Studio 24.0" would be created. Please note that 24.0 is the version and could be updated.
      Installation Window
          Post installation, launch “tresos Studio XX.X” and confirm no license errors are seen.

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Elektrobit Tresos License Troubleshooting

In cases where License Error are seen (post successful installation of Client License Administrator Client License Administrator), please try following steps

  1. Check if “Flexnet Licensing Service” service is started in the Windows Service Manager Panel (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services). If it is not started, please start it manually.
  2. Disable any "Anti Virus" software on the machine
  3. In cases where "Anti Virus" software cannot be disabled, please add user defined exceptions in "Anti Virus" software to the following folders:
    • C:\ProgramData\Flexnet\* 
    • C:\EB\* 
    • With the assumption that EB is installed in C:
  4. If license issues are still not resolved, contact EB support via Help->EB tresos support in EB tresos

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MCAL Configuration Generation

Generation using tresos Studio GUI

Below figures depict the steps required to generate MCAL module configurations Please ensure below, before attempting to generate configuration

  1. Close any open EB tresos instances
  2. Copy only Platform Specific MCAL plugins.(For Eg: Adc_TI_J721E for J721E, Adc_TI_J721S2 for J721S2 and Adc_TI_J7200 for J7200)
    • From mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb/mcal_drv/mcal_config/plugins folder to (EB Tresos Installation Dir>/plugins)
    • Copy bsw stubs plugins like Os,Dem,EcuM provided with the package as some of the ecuc parameters like DEM errors have reference to these plugins.Please note that error/warning shall be reported if these plugins are not loaded along with the driver plugins while creating a new project. Please note that below are indicative snap-shots.SOC versions need to be selected based on SOC.

Launch <b>tresos Studio</b>

Launch tresos Studio

Configuration Project

Click File->New ->Configuration Project

Project Name

Provide Project Name

Target Name

Provide Target Name : Choose R5F/TDA4x

Choose Required modules

Choose required modules
Chosen modules

Project Created

Project Created

Generate Configuration

Configuration Created

When the GPTimer and PWM mdoule configurations are loaded in the configurator, if a particular Timer instance is already configured use by the GPTimer module, an error is reported.

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Generation using tresos Studio Command Line Interface

Optionally MCAL module configurations could be generated using tresos batch file and recommended configuration of a given module. The following steps details the sequence of operations required. Based on the SOC, you need to select corresponding plugins.Below is shown for J721E SOC.

  1. The command below could be used
        C:\EB\tresos\bin\tresos_cmd.bat -Decuid=mcal_example_config_1 -Dtarget=R5F -Dderivate=J721E legacy generate -n Can -g Can_TI_J721E -o c:\temp mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb\mcal_drv\mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\config_ext\Can_Rec.xdm
    Options used are
    • -Decuid 
      Specifies the ID of the imported ECU
    • -Dtarget 
      Defines the target architecture ECU
    • -Dderivate 
      Defines the targets derivate
    • -n 
      Specifies the name of the module configurations of the configuration files to load
    • -g 
      Module Id
    • -o 
      Sets the directory to which the generated files are written

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Generation of EPD and ARXML

EB Tresos provides utility to convert XDM files to EPD or ARXML module definitions. As noted in (A Typical Driver or Module Directory) XDM provides additional functionality that aids parameter checking. This feature might not be supported by other vendors. An additional module description is provided that do not use these EB specific parameter checking and these are named as (Module Name)_NonEB.xdm

Please use (Module Name)_NonEB.xdm to generate epd or arxml files

Generation of EPD

  1. Open a command prompt
  2. Go to mcusw configurator install directory (i.e. mcusw_xx_yy_zz/mcal_drv/mcal_config/plugins)
  3. Assuming EB is installed in "C:/EB", run the command below to generate EPD for Can module.Based on the SOC, you need to select corresponding plugins.Below is shown for J721E SOC.
        C:\EB\tresos\bin\tresos_cmd.bat -Duuids=true -DecuParamDef=true -DValidate=true  -DrestrictShortName=true -DwriteDefaults=true legacy convert mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb\mcal_drv\mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\config\Can_NonEB.xdm mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb\mcal_drv\mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\config\Can.epd@asc:4.3.1

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Generation of ARXML

  1. Open a command prompt
  2. Go to mcusw configurator install directory (i.e. mcusw_xx_yy_zz/mcal_drv/mcal_config/plugins)
  3. Assuming EB is installed in "C:/EB", run the command below to generate ARXML for Can module.Based on the SOC, you need to select corresponding plugins.Below is shown for J721E SOC.
        C:\EB\tresos\bin\tresos_cmd.bat -DValidate=false -DwriteXPathAttributes=false legacy convert mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb\mcal_drv\mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\config\Can_NonEB.xdm mcusw_xx_yy_zz_bb\mcal_drv\mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\Can_J721e.arxml@asc:4.3.1
  4. Please note that if there are warning(s) on use of XPATH, please rerun with
  5. The generated arxml was validated using a compliance checker.

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Revision Date Author Description
0.1 24 Sep 2018 Sujith S Created for V 00 03 00
0.2 22 Oct 2018 Sujith S Addressed review comments
1.0 6 Jun 2020 Sunil M S 4.3.1 Porting Updates