ESM static registers list.
Definition: esm.h:237
Defines the different ESM instance types
Definition: ip/sdl_esm.h:167
int32_t SDL_ESM_registerECCCallback(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, uint32_t eventBitMap[], SDL_ESM_applicationCallback eccCallback, void *callbackArg)
There are modules within SDL which will generate ESM errors intentionally in the course of running se...
int32_t SDL_ESM_verifyConfig(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, const SDL_ESM_config *pConfig)
SDL ESM API to verify the written configuration of the ESM module. The API verifies the written confi...
int32_t SDL_ESM_clrNError(SDL_ESM_Inst instance)
SDL ESM API to clear the nError pin for the specified ESM instance.
ESM init configuration.
Definition: ip/sdl_esm.h:285
int32_t SDL_ESM_getNErrorStatus(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, uint32_t *pStatus)
SDL ESM API to get the status of the nError pin for the specified ESM instance.
int32_t SDL_ESM_init(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, const SDL_ESM_config *pConfig, SDL_ESM_applicationCallback applicationCallback, void *appArg)
SDL ESM API to initialize an ESM instance. The API initializes the specified ESM instance with the pr...
int32_t(* SDL_ESM_applicationCallback)(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, SDL_ESM_IntType intrType, uint32_t grpChannel, uint32_t index, uint32_t intSrc, void *arg)
Definition: ip/sdl_esm.h:263
int32_t SDL_ESM_setNError(SDL_ESM_Inst instance)
SDL ESM API to set the nError pin for the specified ESM instance.
int32_t SDL_ESM_registerCCMCallback(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, uint32_t eventBitMap[], SDL_ESM_applicationCallback ccmCallback, void *callbackArg)
There are modules within SDL which will generate ESM errors intentionally in the course of running se...
int32_t SDL_ESM_getStaticRegisters(SDL_ESM_Inst instance, SDL_ESM_staticRegs *pStaticRegs)
SDL ESM API to read the static registers. The API reads and returns the static register configuration...