TIOVX User Guide

Detailed Description

Internal APIs for openVX standard 1.1 kernels.


#define TIVX_MODULE_NAME_OPENVX_CORE   "openvx-core"
 Name for TI OpenVX kernel module.
#define TIVX_MODULE_NAME_OPENVX_EXT   "openvx-ext"
 Name for TI OpenVX kernel module.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of scalar input.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of scalar input.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of scalar input.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_AND_IN1_IDX   (0U)
 Index of the input image.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_AND_IN2_IDX   (1U)
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Parameter for And operation.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max number of params.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the threshold for hysteresis.
 Index of the gradient window size to use on the input.
 Index of the norm used to compute the gradient.
 Index of the output image.
 Max params supported by the canny edge detect kernel.
 Minimum width/height supported by the canny edge detect kernel.
 Index of the first plane.
 Index of the second plane.
 Index of the optional third plane.
 Index of the optional fourth plane.
 Index of the output image.
 Max params supported by the channel combine kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 The channel to extract.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameter for Channel Extract operation.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameter for Color Convert operation.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Index of the conversion policy.
 Index of the shift value.
 Max parameters supported by the kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input convolution matrix.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by convolution kernel.
 Max convolution height supported by convolution kernel.
 Max convolution vectors supported by convolution kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max number of params.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by equalize histogram kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max number of params.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the scalar strength threshold.
 Index of the nonmax suppression bool.
 Index of the output array corners.
 Index of the output number of corners.
 Max Params supported by fast corners kernel.
 Minimu width/height supported by Fast corner.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max number of params.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by gaussian pyramid kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Index of the input kernel size.
 Max Params supported by halfscale gaussian kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the scalar strength threshold.
 Index of the radial Euclidean distance for non-maximum suppression.
 Index of the scalar sensitivity threshold k from the Harris Stephens equation.
 Index of The gradient window size to use on the input.
 Index of The block window size used to compute the Harris Corner score.
 Index of the output array corners.
 Index of the scalar containing array size.
 Max Params supported by fast corners kernel.
 Minimum width/height supported by Harris corners kernel.
 Index of the input image for histogram operation.
 Index of the output image for histogram operation.
 Max Parameter for histogram operation.
 Index of the input image for integral image operation.
 Index of the output image for integral image operation.
 Max parameters for integral image operation.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output laplacian pyramid.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by laplacian pyramid kernel.
 Index of the input laplacian pyramid.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by laplacian reconstruct kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input lut.
 Index of the output image.
 Max parameters supported by lut kernel.
 Index of the x input image.
 Index of the y input image.
 Index of the magnitude output image.
 Max Params supported by magnitude kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Index of the input Lut.
 Max Params supported by mean_std_dev kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max number of params.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the scalar output for minimum value.
 Index of the scalar output for maximum value.
 Index of the array output for minimum value locations.
 Index of the array output for maximum value locations.
 Index of the scalar output for number of minimum value locations.
 Index of the scalar output for number of maximum value locations.
 Max Params supported by min_max_loc kernel.
 Index of the input image for multiplication.
 Index of the input image for multiplication.
 Index of the scalar input for multiplication.
 Index of the scalar input for overflow policy.
 Index of the scalar input for rounding policy.
 Index of the output image for multiplication.
 Max parameters supported by Multiply kernel.
 Index of the non-linear filter function.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the mask.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by non-linear filter kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Parameter for Not operation.
 Index of the old image pyramid input.
 Index of the new image pyramid input.
 Index of the old keypoint array input.
 Index of the new estimated keypoint array input.
 Index of the new keypoint array output.
 Index of the termination enum input.
 Index of the epsilon scalar input.
 Index of the number of iterations scalar input.
 Index of the use initial estimate scalar input.
 Index of the window dimension size input.
 Max Params supported by optical flow pyramid (LK) kernel.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_OR_IN1_IDX   (0U)
 Index of the input image.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_OR_IN2_IDX   (1U)
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Parameter for Or operation.
 Index of the input image, ie grad_x.
 Index of the input image, ie grad_y.
 Index of the output image, ie orientation.
 Max Params supported by phase kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by remap kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Index of the input interpolation type.
 Max Params supported by threshold kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the x-gradient output image.
 Index of the y-gradient output image.
 Max Params supported by sobel kernel.
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the input threshold.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Params supported by threshold kernel.
 Index of the input image for warp_affine.
 Index of the matrix for warp_affine.
 Index of the scalar interpolation type for warp_affine.
 Index of the output image for warp_affine.
 Max parameters supported by Warp Affine kernel.
 Index of the input image for warp_perspective.
 Index of the matrix for warp_perspective.
 Index of the scalar interpolation type for warp_perspective.
 Index of the output image for warp_perspective.
 Max parameters supported by Warp Perspective kernel.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_XOR_IN1_IDX   (0U)
 Index of the input image.
#define TIVX_KERNEL_XOR_IN2_IDX   (1U)
 Index of the input image.
 Index of the output image.
 Max Parameter for Xor operation.


void tivxRegisterOpenVXCoreKernels (void)
 Function to register core OpenVx Kernels on the Host.
void tivxUnRegisterOpenVXCoreKernels (void)
 Function to un-register core OpenVx Kernels on the Host.
void tivxRegisterOpenVXCoreTargetKernels (void)
 Function to register OpenVx Kernels on the Target.
void tivxUnRegisterOpenVXCoreTargetKernels (void)
 Function to register OpenVx Kernels on the Target.