TIOVX User Guide

Detailed Description

Internal APIs for utility operations.


#define TIVX_ALIGN(value, align)   ((((value)+((align)-1U))/(align))*(align))
 Macro to align a 'value' to 'align' units.
#define TIVX_FLOOR(value, align)   (((value)/(align))*(align))
 Macro to floor a 'value' to 'align' units.
 Macro to specify default alignment to use for stride in Y-direction. More...
#define TIVX_TYPE_IS_SCALAR(type)   (((vx_enum)VX_TYPE_INVALID < (type)) && ((type) < (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_SCALAR_MAX))
 Used to determine if a type is a scalar.
#define TIVX_TYPE_IS_STRUCT(type)   (((type) >= (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_RECTANGLE) && ((type) < (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_KHRONOS_STRUCT_MAX))
 Used to determine if a type is a struct.
#define TIVX_TYPE_IS_OBJECT(type)   (((type) >= (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_REFERENCE) && ((type) < (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_KHRONOS_OBJECT_END))
 Used to determine if a type is an Khronos defined object.
#define TIVX_TYPE_IS_TI_OBJECT(type)   (((type) >= (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_VENDOR_OBJECT_START) && ((type) < (vx_enum)VX_TYPE_VENDOR_OBJECT_END))
 Used to determine if a type is TI defined object.
#define TIVX_MAGIC   (0xFACEC0DEU)
 A magic value to look for and set in references.
#define TIVX_BAD_MAGIC   (42U)
 A magic value to look for and set in references. Used to indicate a free'ed reference.
#define VX_CHECK_PARAM(ptr, size, type, align)   ((NULL != ptr) && (size == sizeof(type)) && (((vx_size)ptr & align) == 0U))
 A parameter checker for size and alignment.


enum  tivx_type_e
 TIVX defined reference types.


static void tivx_uint32_to_uint64 (volatile uint64_t *val, uint32_t h, uint32_t l)
 Macro to convert 2x uint32 to uint64.
static void tivx_uint64_to_uint32 (uint64_t val, volatile uint32_t *h, volatile uint32_t *l)
 Macro to convert uint64 to 2x uint32.

Macro Definition Documentation



Macro to specify default alignment to use for stride in Y-direction.

HWA nodes require 16 byte alignment

Definition at line 104 of file vx_internal.h.