TIOVX User Guide
hwa_dmpac_dof.h File Reference

The DOF kernels in this kernel extension. More...

#include <VX/vx.h>
#include <VX/vx_kernels.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  tivx_dmpac_dof_params_t
 The configuration data structure used by the TIVX_KERNEL_DMPAC_DOF kernel. More...
struct  tivx_dmpac_dof_sof_params_t
 The sof configuration data structure used by the TIVX_KERNEL_DMPAC_DOF kernel. More...
struct  tivx_dmpac_dof_cs_tree_params_t
 Configuration parameters used to calculate Confidence Score used by TIVX_KERNEL_DMPAC_DOF kernel. More...
struct  tivx_dmpac_dof_hts_bw_limit_params_t
 Configuration parameters used to set HTS BW limit used by TIVX_KERNEL_DMPAC_DOF kernel. More...


#define TIVX_KERNEL_DMPAC_DOF_NAME   "com.ti.hwa.dmpac_dof"
 dmpac_dof kernel name
#define TIVX_KERNEL_DOF_VISUALIZE_NAME   "com.ti.hwa.dof_visualize"
 dof_visualize kernel name
 Control Command to set DOF HTS Bandwidth limit parameters User data object tivx_dmpac_dof_hts_bw_limit_params_t is passed as argument with this control command.
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_CMD_CS_PARAMS   (0x10000001u)
 Control Command to set DOF confidence score parameters User data object tivx_dmpac_dof_cs_tree_params_t is passed as argument with this control command.
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_CMD_GET_ERR_STATUS   (0x10000002u)
 Control Command to get the error status Returns the error status of the last processed frame. Reference to vx_scalar is passed as argument with this control command. Node returns bit-mask of error status in u32 variable of vx_scalar.
 No predictor used.
 Delayed left predictor.
 Temporal predictor, Need flow vector output from previous image pair as Temporal input, can only be set for base layer.
 Pyramidal left predictor, can be set for base and intermediate layers.
 Pyramidal colocated predictor, can be set for base and intermediate layers.
 Maximum value for the flow vector delay.
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_RD_ERR   (0x04U)
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_WR_ERR   (0x08U)
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_FOCO0_SL2_WR_ERR   (0x400000U)
#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_FOCO0_VBUSM_RD_ERR   (0x200000U)


void tivxRegisterHwaTargetDmpacDofKernels (void)
 Function to register HWA Kernels on the dmpac_dof Target.
void tivxUnRegisterHwaTargetDmpacDofKernels (void)
 Function to un-register HWA Kernels on the dmpac_dof Target.
void tivxRegisterHwaTargetArmKernels (void)
 Function to register HWA Kernels on the arm Target.
void tivxUnRegisterHwaTargetArmKernels (void)
 Function to un-register HWA Kernels on the arm Target.
VX_API_ENTRY vx_node VX_API_CALL tivxDmpacDofNode (vx_graph graph, vx_user_data_object configuration, vx_image input_current_base, vx_image input_reference_base, vx_pyramid input_current, vx_pyramid input_reference, vx_image flow_vector_in, vx_user_data_object sparse_of_config, vx_image sparse_of_map, vx_image flow_vector_out, vx_distribution confidence_histogram)
 [Graph] Creates a DMPAC_DOF Node. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_node VX_API_CALL tivxDofVisualizeNode (vx_graph graph, vx_image flow_vector, vx_scalar confidence_threshold, vx_image flow_vector_rgb, vx_image confidence_image)
 [Graph] Creates a DOF visualization node Node. More...
void tivx_dmpac_dof_params_init (tivx_dmpac_dof_params_t *prms)
 Function to initialize DOF parameters with default value. More...
void tivx_dmpac_dof_sof_params_init (tivx_dmpac_dof_sof_params_t *prms)
 Function to initialize DOF SOF parameters with default value. More...
void tivx_dmpac_dof_cs_tree_params_init (tivx_dmpac_dof_cs_tree_params_t *prms)
 Function to initialize DOF CS tree parameters with default value. More...
void tivx_dmpac_dof_hts_bw_limit_params_init (tivx_dmpac_dof_hts_bw_limit_params_t *prms)
 Function to initialize DOF HTS bandwidth limit parameters with default value. More...

Detailed Description

The DOF kernels in this kernel extension.

Definition in file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_RD_ERR   (0x04U)

Error status for DOF VBUSM Read interface error

Definition at line 147 of file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.


#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_WR_ERR   (0x08U)

Error status for DOF VBUSM Write interface error

Definition at line 149 of file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.



Error status for MP0 read error

Definition at line 151 of file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.


#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_FOCO0_SL2_WR_ERR   (0x400000U)

Error status for FOCO SL2 VBSUM write interface error

Definition at line 153 of file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.


#define TIVX_DMPAC_DOF_FOCO0_VBUSM_RD_ERR   (0x200000U)

Error status for FOCO SL2 VBSUM read interface error

Definition at line 155 of file hwa_dmpac_dof.h.