void ownIpcDeInit(void)
DeInit IPC module.
vx_status ownIpcSendMsg(vx_enum cpu_id, uint32_t payload, uint32_t host_cpu_id, uint32_t host_port_id)
Send payload to cpu_id via IPC.
void ownIpcInit(void)
Init IPC module.
void(* tivx_ipc_handler_f)(uint32_t payload)
Callback definition of handler for IPC message's.
uint16_t ownIpcGetHostPortId(uint16_t cpu_id)
Return CPU Port ID of the CPU on which this API is called.
void ownIpcRegisterHandler(tivx_ipc_handler_f ipc_handler_func)
Register callback to call when IPC message is received.