38 #define TIVX_DEFAULT_GRAPH_TIMEOUT (TIVX_EVENT_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER) 43 typedef struct _vx_graph {
64 uint32_t num_head_nodes;
70 uint32_t num_leaf_nodes;
vx_status ownGraphCreateQueues(vx_graph graph)
Create queues to maintain submitted graph desc and free graph desc.
struct _vx_delay * vx_delay
Max possible super nodes in graph.
uint32_t schedule_pending_count
number of graph schedule's that are requested but not submitted i.e pending
vx_bool trigger_node_set
trigger node has been set for graph
vx_bool is_streaming
is graph currently streaming
vx_status ownGraphScheduleGraph(vx_graph graph, uint32_t num_schedule)
Schedule a graph for execution 'num_schedule' times.
uint32_t num_data_ref_q
The number of graph parameters.
uint32_t index
The index to the parameter on the node.
vx_perf_t perf
The performance logging variable.
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSendUserGraphEvent(vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 app_value, const void *parameter)
Sends user event to graph event queue.
int32_t ownGraphGetFreeNodeIndex(vx_graph graph)
Get next free node entry in graph.
uint32_t graph_consumed_app_value
vx_status ownGraphAllocAndEnqueueObjDescForPipeline(vx_graph graph)
Alloc and enqueue graph obj desc based on graph pipeline depth.
vx_status ownGraphAddSuperNode(vx_graph graph, tivx_super_node super_node)
Add's a super node to a graph.
uint32_t num_buf
when queue_enable = vx_true_e, this hold the max buffers that can be enqueued
The most basic type in the OpenVX system. Any type that inherits from tivx_reference_t must have a vx...
Graph object descriptor as placed in shared memory.
uint32_t ownGraphGetNumSchedule(vx_graph graph)
Counts number of enqueued 'refs' and returns number of times graph can be scheduled sucessfully...
void ownSetGraphState(vx_graph graph, uint32_t pipeline_id, vx_enum state)
Set graph state for a given pipeline ID.
vx_status ownGraphParameterCheckValidEnqueueRef(vx_graph graph, uint32_t graph_parameter_index, vx_reference ref)
Checks if 'ref' is valid ref that can be enqueued.
tivx_event delete_done
event to indicate that streaming is deleted
tivx_queue free_q
free graph object descriptors that are ready for scheduling
Max possible head nodes in graph.
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxWaitGraphEvent(vx_graph graph, vx_event_t *event, vx_bool do_not_block)
Waits for user event from graph event queue.
Max elements in a object descriptor queue.
tivx_event all_graph_completed_event
event to indicate all schedule graphs have finished execution and none are pending ...
vx_status ownGraphAllocForStreaming(vx_graph graph)
Alloc objects for graph streaming.
struct _vx_reference * vx_reference
vx_bool queue_enable
vx_true_e, enqueue operation is supported on this parameter
uint32_t graph_completed_app_value
vx_enum type
Set to an enum value in vx_type_e.
tivx_reference_t base
The base reference object.
Max possible parameters in graph.
void ownGraphFreeObjDesc(vx_graph graph)
Free graph obj desc based allocated during ownGraphAllocAndEnqueueObjDescForPipeline() ...
vx_bool is_enable_send_ref_consumed_event
flag to control event send enable/disable
vx_bool reverify
Flag to maintain state of graph re-verification.
vx_bool is_pipelining_enabled
graph pipelining enabled flag
vx_enum schedule_mode
graph schedule mode as defined by vx_graph_schedule_mode_type_e
vx_status ownGraphRegisterCompletionEvent(vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 app_value)
Register event on graph completion.
vx_bool is_pipeline_depth_set
graph pipeline depth set flag via tivxSetGraphPipelineDepth
Max possible data references in a graph.
vx_status ownGraphRemoveNode(vx_graph graph, vx_node node)
Remove a node from a graph.
void ownGraphDetectAndSetNumBuf(vx_graph graph)
Sets buffers automatically if not already set (see: TIOVX-903)
void ownGraphTopologicalSort(tivx_graph_sort_context *context, vx_node *nodes, uint32_t num_nodes, vx_bool *has_cycle)
Perform topological sort of graph nodes.
vx_bool ownCheckGraphCompleted(vx_graph graph, uint32_t pipeline_id)
Check if a previoulsy scehduled graph execution is complete.
void ownGraphCheckContinuityOfSupernode(tivx_graph_sort_context *context, tivx_super_node super_node, uint32_t num_nodes, vx_bool *is_continuous)
Perform topological sort of graph nodes.
Context used while sorting a graph.
vx_status ownUpdateGraphPerf(vx_graph graph, uint32_t pipeline_id)
Update graph performance.
The top level data for graph object.
vx_status ownGraphSuperNodeConfigure(vx_graph graph)
Configure Supernode.
void ownGraphSetReverify(vx_graph graph)
Mark graph to be reverified.
uint32_t num_delay_data_ref_q
The number of graph parameters.
void ownGraphDeleteQueues(vx_graph graph)
Delete queues created during ownGraphCreateQueues.
vx_delay delay_ref
delay associated with this data ref queue
tivx_event stop_done
event to indicate that streaming has stopped
struct _tivx_super_node * tivx_super_node
The Super Node Framework Object. Super Node is a strongly-typed container for connected nodes...
vx_bool is_streaming_enabled
is streaming enabled for graph
struct _tivx_data_ref_queue * tivx_data_ref_queue
Data Ref Queue Object.
Maximum number of objects supported in pyramid.
uint32_t delay_slot_index
delay slot index associated with this data ref queue
void ownGraphCheckSupernodeCycles(tivx_graph_sort_context *context, const vx_node *nodes, uint32_t num_nodes, vx_bool *has_cycle)
Perform topological sort of graph nodes after supernodes have been inserted.
Data structure which holds event information.
vx_uint32 trigger_node_index
index of trigger node
Max possible nodes in graph.
void ownGraphFreeStreaming(vx_graph graph)
Free graph streaming objects.
uint32_t num_params
The number of graph parameters.
vx_enum state
The state of the graph (vx_graph_state_e)
vx_status ownGraphRegisterParameterConsumedEvent(vx_graph graph, uint32_t graph_parameter_index, vx_uint32 app_value)
Register event on graph parameter consumed.
vx_status ownGraphScheduleGraphWrapper(vx_graph graph)
Wrapper for ownGraphScheduleGraph.
vx_uint32 ownGraphGetPipeDepth(vx_graph graph)
Query the leaf nodes of the graph for their depth to find the total depth of the graph.
vx_bool is_enable_send_complete_event
when true a event is sent when a graph execution is completed
Max possible leaf nodes in graph.
vx_status ownGraphVerifyStreamingMode(vx_graph graph)
verify graph schedule mode with streaming
vx_status ownGraphAddNode(vx_graph graph, vx_node node, int32_t index)
Add's a node to a graph.
vx_bool ownGraphCheckIsRefMatch(vx_graph graph, vx_reference ref1, vx_reference ref2)
Abstracted check for checking if references match "vx_true_e" will be returned if references match or...
vx_bool verified
Flag to maintain state of graph verification.
Max possible pipeline depth of a graph.
tivx_data_ref_queue data_ref_queue
data ref queue handle when queueing is enabled at this graph parameter
vx_uint32 timeout_val
Control API processing Timeout value in milli-sec.
Max data ref queue in graph.
vx_bool ownGraphDoScheduleGraphAfterEnqueue(vx_graph graph, uint32_t graph_parameter_index)
Check if a graph should be scheduled after a graph parameter has been enqueued.
void ownSendGraphCompletedEvent(vx_graph graph)
Send graph completion event if enabled.
vx_status ownGraphValidatePipelineParameters(vx_graph graph)
Checks for invalid pipelining conditions (see: TIOVX-726)
uint32_t num_data_ref
number of data references in the graph
Max parameters in a kernel.
void ownGraphClearState(vx_graph graph, uint32_t pipeline_id)
Graph execution state for given pipeline ID.
Max possible delays in graph.
struct _vx_graph * vx_graph
uint32_t pipeline_depth
graph pipeline depth
tivx_event_queue_t event_queue
struct _vx_node * vx_node
uint32_t submitted_count
counts the number of graphs schedule or submitted but not yet completed
vx_node node
The reference to the node which has the parameter.
tivx_task streaming_task_handle
vx_status(* VX_API_CALL)(vx_reference *ref)
Callback type used to register release callbacks from object dervied from references.
tivx_data_ref_queue ownGraphGetParameterDataRefQueue(vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 graph_parameter_index)
If a data ref queue is associated with 'graph_parameter_index' return it.
struct _tivx_event_t * tivx_event
Typedef for a event.
uint32_t streaming_executions
graph streaming executions