83 typedef struct _tivx_tensor_map_info_t
101 typedef struct _vx_tensor
vx_enum usage
Type of access being done by user, see vx_accessor_e.
The most basic type in the OpenVX system. Any type that inherits from tivx_reference_t must have a vx...
uint8_t * map_addr
Address mapped via vxMapTensorPatch()
Max possible mapping via vxMapTensorPatch supported.
tivx_reference_t base
reference object
vx_enum mem_type
Type of memory mapped via vxMapTensorPatch(), see vx_memory_type_e and tivx_memory_type_e.
vx_size map_size
Size of memory region mapped via vxMapTensorPatch()
Information about a image mapping.
Tensor object internal state.