SDL API Guide for J721E
sdl_ip_mcrc.h File Reference

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MCRC Interrupt priority

typedef uint32_t SDL_MCRC_IntrPriority_t
 The offset for the highest pending priority interrupt. These interrupt offset returned in SDL_MCRC_GetHighestPriorityIntrStatus function. More...

Data Bus Mask

typedef uint32_t SDL_MCRC_DataBusMask_t
 MCRC data bus type mask selected for tracing control. More...


#define SDL_TRUE   (1U)


int32_t SDL_MCRC_GetHighestPriorityIntrStatus (SDL_MCRC_InstType instance, uint32_t *pIntVecAddr)
 This API is used to get the pending interrupt with highest priority. More...
int32_t SDL_MCRC_DataBusTracingCtrl (SDL_MCRC_InstType instance, uint32_t ctrlFlag, SDL_MCRC_DataBusMask_t dataBusMask, SDL_MCRC_DataBusMask_t busEnableMask)
 This API is used to control the MCRC data bus tracing. More...
int32_t SDL_MCRC_getBaseaddr (SDL_MCRC_InstType instance, uint32_t *baseAddr)
 This API is used to get the base address of the instance. More...
int32_t SDL_MCRC_VerifyBusTracingCtrl (SDL_MCRC_InstType instance, uint32_t ctrlFlag, SDL_MCRC_DataBusMask_t dataBusMask, SDL_MCRC_DataBusMask_t busEnableMask)
 This API is used to verify the control the MCRC data bus tracing. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SDL_TRUE   (1U)