SDL API Guide for J721E
VTM Global Configuration Registers.
This structure contains VTM Global Configuration register.
SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_ctrl_valid_map SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::validMap |
valid bit map for temperature sensor global control
SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_clkSel SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::clkSel |
Temperature sensor clock source selector. 0 = fix_ref_clk as source. 1 = fix_ref2_clk as source
SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_clkDiv SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::clkDiv |
Temperature sensor clock source divider selector. Default set by e-fuse or tie-off. Divider uses select reference clock as source. 0 = 1x divide. 1 = 2x divide. ... 15 = 16x divide. ... 63 = 64x divide.
SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_any_maxt_outrg_alert_en SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::any_maxt_outrg_alert_en |
This bit in VTM_MISC_CTRL register, when enable will cause, the VTM’s output therm_maxtemp_outrange_alert to be driven high, if any of the sources for the MAXT_OUTRG_ALERT, is set high.
SDL_VTM_adc_code SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::maxt_outrg_alert_thr0 |
ADC code programmed in VTM_MISC_CTRL2 for the global max temperature out of range safe sample value. If the alert is enabled globally for the sensor, and the sensor reads a value <= this value, then the alert is cleared after being triggered
SDL_VTM_adc_code SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::maxt_outrg_alert_thr |
ADC code programmed in VTM_MISC_CTRL2 for the global max temperature out of range sample value. If the alert is enabled globally for the sensor, and the sensor reads a value >= this value, then the alert is triggered
SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_samples_per_count SDL_VTM_tsGlobal_cfg::samplesPerCnt |
Temperature sensor sample period count selector, programmed in VTM_SAMPLE_CTRL reg