TIOVX User Guide
tivx.h File Reference

Interface to TI extension APIs. More...

#include <VX/vx.h>
#include <VX/vx_khr_pipelining.h>
#include <VX/vx_khr_user_data_object.h>
#include <TI/tivx_debug.h>
#include <TI/tivx_log_rt.h>
#include <TI/tivx_kernels.h>
#include <TI/tivx_nodes.h>
#include <TI/tivx_mem.h>
#include <TI/tivx_tensor.h>
#include <TI/tivx_ext_raw_image.h>
#include <TI/tivx_ext_super_node.h>
#include <TI/tivx_soc.h>

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Data Structures

struct  tivx_resource_stats_t
 Struct containing config parameters of given static resource. Allows for a log to be kept of the resources used throughout runtime. More...


#define TIVX_TARGET_MAX_NAME   (64u)
 Max possible name of a target.
 String to name a OpenVX Host. More...
#define TIVX_RESOURCE_NAME_MAX   (39u)
 Max size of macro.
#define TIVX_CONFIG_PATH_LENGTH   (512u)
 Max size of config file path.
 Flag used with tivxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef to indicate that this enqueue call if for pipeup phase. More...
 When sending a control command to a replicated node, this can be used to send control command to all replicated node. More...
 Max possible super nodes in graph.
 Max number of BAM user plugins on DSP (in addition to builtin vxlib plugins)
 Max number of nodes per super node.
 Max number of edges per super node.
 Max number super node objects supported.
 Max levels supported for the pyramid. More...
 Max number of kernel ID's.
 Max number of kernel library ID's.
#define dimof(x)   (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
 Macro to find size of array.


enum  tivx_attribute_extensions_e {
 TI attribute extensions. More...
enum  tivx_df_image_e {
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_P12 = VX_DF_IMAGE('P','0','1','2'),
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_NV12_P12 = VX_DF_IMAGE('N','1','2','P'),
  TIVX_DF_IMAGE_RGB565 = VX_DF_IMAGE('R','5','6','5'),
 Based on the VX_DF_IMAGE definition. More...
enum  tivx_status_e {
  TIVX_STATUS_BASE = -(vx_int32)100,
 The enumeration of all TIVX operational error codes. More...


void tivxInit (void)
 Function to initialize OpenVX framework. More...
void tivxDeInit (void)
 Function to de-initialize OpenVX framework. More...
void tivxHostInit (void)
 Function to initialize OpenVX HOST side functionality. More...
void tivxHostDeInit (void)
 Function to de-initialize OpenVX HOST side functionality. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxAddKernelTarget (vx_kernel kernel, const char *target_name)
 Associate a target with a kernel. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetKernelSinkDepth (vx_kernel kernel, uint32_t num_sink_bufs)
 Set the number of sink buffers. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxRegisterModule (const char *name, vx_publish_kernels_f publish, vx_unpublish_kernels_f unpublish)
 Register publish and unpublish functions against a module name. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxUnRegisterModule (const char *name)
 UnRegister publish and unpublish functions if previously registered. More...
vx_enum tivxGetSelfCpuId (void)
 Return CPU ID of the CPU on which this API is called. More...
vx_status tivxQueryResourceStats (const char *resource_name, tivx_resource_stats_t *stat)
 Query resource for resource stats. More...
void tivxPrintAllResourceStats (void)
 Prints out resource stats.
vx_status tivxExportAllResourceMaxUsedValueToFile (void)
 Exports the max used values to a file. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelEnum (vx_graph graph, vx_enum kernelenum, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel enum. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelRef (vx_graph graph, vx_kernel kernel, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel reference. More...
vx_node tivxCreateNodeByKernelName (vx_graph graph, const char *kernel_name, vx_reference params[], vx_uint32 num)
 Utility function to create a node given parameter references and kernel name. More...
vx_bool tivxIsReferenceVirtual (vx_reference ref)
 Utility function to check if the given reference is virtual or not. More...
vx_reference tivxGetReferenceParent (vx_reference child_ref)
 Utility function to extract the parent reference from an element. More...
vx_bool tivxIsTargetEnabled (const char target_name[])
 Utility function to know if target is enabled or not. More...
uint64_t tivxPlatformGetTimeInUsecs (void)
 Get the time in micro seconds. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxExportGraphToDot (vx_graph graph, const char *output_file_path, const char *output_file_prefix)
 Export graph representation as DOT graph file. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex (vx_node node, vx_uint32 index, vx_uint32 num_buf)
 Set number of buffers to allocate at output of a node parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxGetNodeParameterNumBufByIndex (vx_node node, vx_uint32 index, vx_uint32 *num_buf)
 Get number of buffers to allocate at output of a node parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetGraphPipelineDepth (vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 pipeline_depth)
 Indicates to the implementation the depth of the graph pipeline. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef (vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 graph_parameter_index, vx_reference *refs, vx_uint32 num_refs, vx_uint32 flags)
 Same as vxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef except that it take an additional TIOVX specific flag parameter. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxNodeSendCommand (vx_node node, uint32_t replicate_nodex_idx, uint32_t node_cmd_id, vx_reference ref[], uint32_t num_refs)
 Send node specific Control command. More...
vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxNodeSendCommandTimed (vx_node node, uint32_t replicate_nodex_idx, uint32_t node_cmd_id, vx_reference ref[], uint32_t num_refs, uint32_t timeout)
 Send node specific Control command. More...
vx_node tivxGraphGetNode (vx_graph graph, uint32_t index)
 This API is used to get a reference to a node within a graph at a given index within the graph. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetUserDataObjectAttribute (vx_user_data_object user_data_object, vx_enum attribute, const void *ptr, vx_size size)
 Sets attributes on the user data object. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetNodeTileSize (vx_node node, vx_uint32 block_width, vx_uint32 block_height)
 Sets the tile size for a given node in a graph. This is only valid for BAM-enabled kernels on C66 DSP. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxSetReferenceAttribute (vx_reference ref, vx_enum attribute, const void *ptr, vx_size size)
 Sets reference attributes for the below enums: TIVX_REFERENCE_TIMESTAMP. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_bool VX_API_CALL tivxIsReferenceMetaFormatEqual (vx_reference ref1, vx_reference ref2)
 Check for equivalence between the meta formats of two reference objects. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxReferenceImportHandle (vx_reference ref, const void *addr[], const uint32_t size[], uint32_t num_entries)
 Updates a reference object with the supplied handles (pointers to memory). More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL tivxReferenceExportHandle (const vx_reference ref, void *addr[], uint32_t size[], uint32_t max_entries, uint32_t *num_entries)
 Exports the handles from a reference object. More...
VX_API_ENTRY vx_reference VX_API_CALL tivxCreateReferenceFromExemplar (vx_context context, vx_reference exemplar)
 Create reference from a exemplar object. More...

Detailed Description

Interface to TI extension APIs.

Definition in file tivx.h.